Survey 1 Evaluation The tools are a valuable asset for diagnostic purposes. * 1 (Disagree) 2 (Somewhat Disagree) 3 (Neutral) 4 (Agree) 5 (Strongly Agree) What has been the most useful aspect for diagnostic purposes? * Treatment Planning The tools are a valuable asset for treatment planning. * 1 (Disagree) 2 (Somewhat Disagree) 3 (Neutral) 4 (Agree) 5 (Strongly Agree) What has been the most useful aspect for treatment planning? * Patient Satisfaction The tools have been useful for communicating with my patients regarding their condition and recommended treatment. * 1 (Disagree) 2 (Somewhat Disagree) 3 (Neutral) 4 (Agree) 5 (Strongly Agree) What have patients found to be most helpful? * Other To what degree is using a skin moisturizer been a part of the treatment recommendations? * 1 (Not part of the treatment) 2 (Sometimes part of the treatment) 3 (Part of the treatment some of the time) 4 (Regularly part of the treatment) 5 (Almost always part of the treatment) Has the LV⁺ exam been important in choosing the appropriate moisturizing solution? * What aspects of this program could be enhanced to make LEAP Vitals⁺ a more valuable part of your practice? * Practice Name * How many Leap Vitals⁺ exams have you completed? * Who is conducting the LEAP Vitals⁺ exams? * DPM Medical Assistant Nurse Do you have questions about coding and billing for LV⁺ exams? * Thank you!