Acta, Non-Verba:
Solutions that
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We provide you with all the tools to prevent diabetic foot ulcer risk and all in under 10 minutes
LEAP Vitals+
This is what you will receive first as a member of the Arche LEAP study. Arche LEAP Vitals+ is the only cost-effective and practical way to provide a comprehensive diabetic foot exam (CDFE). It includes the Neuropad®, DermaStat® and IRStat®.
Essentials Kit
The Essentials Kit expands upon the tools you’ve received in the LEAP Vitals+ Kit. The added tools include the Pressurestat® and Vibratip. The kit includes supplies for 50 exams at a cost of less than $20 per exam and provides your practice with a 6x return. Read below to hear how these tools can benefit your practice and the lives of your patients.
Neuropad® is a device that objectively and visually detects sudomotor dysfunction (anhidrosis).
DermaStat® is a device that measures skin moisture levels and quickly displays digital results.
PressureStat® is a calibrated plantar pressure measuring device that identifies high areas of focal pressure, producing a visual “footprint,” which is an integral part of a biomechanical assessment for the diabetic foot.
IRStat® is a device used to identify contralateral temperature changes in the lower extremities. IRStat uses infrared technology.
VibraTip is a calibrated vibratory perception device. It compares to the 128Hz tuning fork.
Looking for more?
TempStat is currently the ONLY scientifically supported and cost effective tool for the prediction and prevention of diabetic foot ulcers in an insensate foot.
Order Placement
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