Reimbursement Revenue Forecast Calculator

Savings to the Healthcare System

We, as podiatrists, are at a crossroads. The healthcare system is seeking to reward providers through better quality of care than through the present fee for service model. Going forward, providers will be held accountable for the outcome of care, and will be reimbursed accordingly. The new MIPS Improvement Activities (IA) Population Management (PM) measure is an example of this. Providers that implement a Population Health Management strategy and have data that show their results and benefit to healthcare payers will be better prepared for success when encountering this change in reimbursement. By embracing this change, these physicians will be providing greater service to their patients, will contribute to the improved financial health of our healthcare delivery system and will be rewarded financially in the process. 

“I have reviewed and studied the innovative Arche Healthcare LEAP Vitals⁺ program. When a podiatrist follows the comprehensive LEAP Vitals+ protocol, documents the objective abnormal findings and creates a care plan for management, it is my expert opinion the encounter satisfies the medical necessity requirements for billing an evaluation and management service, either alone, or in conjunction with at risk foot care services performed on the same day with a 25 modifier.”

Doran Edwards, MD Former CMS Medical Director (SADMERC & PDAC)